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UncategorizedMaking the most of it

Making the most of it

59640245 - group in it together empower organization cooperation conceptSo you’re taking the plunge and carving your own niche in the world of the cooperative workplace. Congratulations! Here at Business Central, we know you’re going to discover new opportunities for growth, whether sharing stories about difficult clients over lunch or tapping into the creative energy that benefits everyone working in the same space.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to make the most of the experience:

  • Although social interaction is one of the shared workplace’s greatest assets, respecting boundaries is a big part of making it work. Your best friend is a pair of headphones. For starters, they provide you with a melodic hum that cancels out the normal sounds of business happening around the room. Even more, though, they signal to your neighbors that you’re not open to casual contact at that particular time. It’s like putting out a warm and friendly “I’m busy” sign. No confrontation is necessary!
  • At the same time, don’t be a stranger. Take advantage of the networking events in the workplace and, while respecting the headphone warning, don’t hesitate to share a warm “hello” with your co-workers during the work day or ideas around the water cooler. Getting to know more about one another during happy hour is key to the sort of professional growth cooperative workplaces nurture.
  • In the middle of all of this, learn to focus. Prioritize what you must accomplish each day and what you need to do to make it happen. Situated somewhere between the traditional office and the home office, a cooperative workplace is full of happy distractions. Your success, in large part, depends on self-motivation. A written list each day will go far to keep you on track. Make sure to leave time to build relationships with your workplace neighbors. The secret is finding the perfect balance that leads to a productive experience for all.